2099 Unlimited #5A

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Never Let Go / Everything You Wanted To Know About Duke Stratosphere But Were Afraid To Ask! / Now Playing

Release: May 03, 1994
Cover: Jul 1994
Modern Age | Color | USA | English

75960602354700511 | Comic

Story 1: Hulk 2099 goes to a rescue his sister from a fake kidnapping only to fight Vulx. Quirk enters at the end with information.
Story 2: A short story about Duke Stratospheres possible origin.
Story 3: Hazzard becomes real when 2 techs try destorying him and he turns on movie film boss.


Writer Michael Jan Friedman, Gerard Jones
Artist Kyle Baker
Cover Artist Kyle Baker
Penciller Joe Brozowski, Gino DeCicco
Inker Fred Harper, Don Hudson
Colorist Kyle Baker, Robbie Busch
Letterer Kyle Baker, Rod Ollerenshaw
Editor Joey Cavalieri
Editor in Chief Tom DeFalco

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