Captain America, Vol. 1 #402A

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Man and Wolf, Part 1: The Prowling; Diamonback: The Pit and the Pitiful

Release: Jul 1992
Cover: Jul 1992
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Direct Edition | Comic | 32 pages

In this first chapter in a six-part bi-weekly series, Cap investigates the disappearance of John Jameson (the ex-Man-Wolf and current Avengers' employee). A rash of murders in upstate New York have led the local authorities to believe that a wolf - or wolf-like creature - is responsible. Has Jameson reverted to his lupine ways? Cap's mission brings him into contact with Wolverine, Cable, Feral, Jack (Werewolf by Night) Russell, and Wolverine.


Writer Mark Gruenwald
Cover Penciller Rik Levins
Cover Inker Danny Bulanadi
Penciller Larry Alexander, Rik Levins
Inker Ariane Lenshoek, Danny Bulanadi
Colorist Ariane Lenshoek, Gina Going-Raney
Letterer Steve Dutro, Joe Rosen
Editor Ralph Macchio
Editor in Chief Tom DeFalco


Captain America Steve Rogers
Wolverine James 'Logan' Howlett
J. Jonah Jameson Jr.
Black Widow Natasha Romanoff
Crossbones Brock Rumlow
Diamondback Rachel Leighton
Dr. Druid Anthony Ludgate Druid
Peggy Carter
D-Man Dennis Dunphy
Cutthroat Daniel Leighton

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