
84428400312400111 | Comic | 32 pages
Val and Cassie are two women trying to make it in L.Awho just happened to grow up in a Kung Fu Orphanage, and now make their way in an ultra-competitive world of bounty hunting . They've watched each others' backs since they could stand, and those bonds are tested daily as they navigate a city where loyalty usually only runs as deep as one's bank account. Val and Cassie take the most dangerous jobs, and watch as others bask in the glory. But now, as their former mentor becomes L.A.'s most wanted fugitive, Val and Cassie will fight through L.A.'s glitziest and grimiest hoods as they learn just what sacrifices are necessary to make Hollywood dreams come true. Rising star scribe Ian Brill (DARKWING DUCK) and red-hot newcomer Joshua Covey team up for this raucous series full of wild nights, beautiful dreamers, and knock-down brawls in between trips to the newest food trucks. Ask your retailer about the ultra rare variant covers, including the super limited 9.8 CGC exclusive!